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Causes of the Civil War in America

Civil in the United States refers to the inter-war among the various states in both South and North America leading to the disintegration of peace among the various states in the region. Civil war in the US started in the year 1861 when the US army was attacked by confederate forces. There are various causes of the civil war in the US in which during this period the regions incurred severe disintegration of peace among themselves (Graebnor, 1978).

First, the slavery trade was the key cause of the civil war in the United States which adversely affected the prevailing peace among the states. This was because the war divided into two conflicting groups where there were the western and the eastern groups. The major confederate operations were greatly defeated in the western theater as the western defense formed unions among themselves; in which their strength was massive to be defeated. The slaves’ countries caused a lot of pressure on the United States of America to free their members; in which this consequently resulted in the development of this civil war (Gephardt, 1984).

State rights were also another major cause of the civil war in America in which the sate was aiming at putting into end the supremacy of the forced centralized government. The state was aiming at reconstructing the destroyed structures in the government like the taxation structure; among others that needed to be restructured and idealized for the systematic running of the state affairs (Graebnor, 1978).

Lastly the social conflict between the northerns and the southerns also contributed to the development of civil war in America. The northerns were very active and did not rely on free or cheap labor from the other parts of the world and thus, they were self reliant as opposed to the southerns who were very lazy and relied on the free and cheap labor from the other parts of the world. This alienation of conflicts between these two regions contributed to the development of the civil war in America (Gephardt, 1984).

The civil war in America between the period 1865 and 1886 was mainly caused by the slavery trade which was the ultimate cause of the consequent cases of the conflict between the South and North America. Form an insight view of things it was clearly revealed that the laziness of the southern people in America was the ultimate cause of the slavery trade which was the ultimate cause of the civil war in America.

Reference list

Gephardt, M. Revolutionary America: 1763-1789. Washington: Library of Congress Publishers, 1984.

Graebnor, N. American Diplomatic History before 1900. Arlington: Arlington Heights Press, 1978.

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"Causes of the Civil War in America." StudyKraken, 9 Jan. 2022,

1. StudyKraken. "Causes of the Civil War in America." January 9, 2022.


StudyKraken. "Causes of the Civil War in America." January 9, 2022.


StudyKraken. 2022. "Causes of the Civil War in America." January 9, 2022.


StudyKraken. (2022) 'Causes of the Civil War in America'. 9 January.

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