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Clean Power’s Corporate Social Responsibility


As the director of corporate development at the Clean Power Company, I would oversee that the ethics governing social responsibility are complied with. The ethical issues to be dealt with would be as follows:

  • Legal
  • Economic
  • Ethical
  • Philanthropic

Social responsibility is also known as corporate social awareness. It is the tendency to foresee the compliance of a business to some set ethical and legal standards. Therefore, it enhances actions in the organization in the attempt to promote efficiency and effectiveness through activities directed to the stakeholders. The Clean Power Company has been doing business for 5 years. The company has its headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio. It bought close to 500 acres of land near Chavon River. The land is not developed. The Clean Power Company is mandated to produce an alternative energy machine that can regulate the high consumption of power by the users. The company, like other business organizations, has to run along with the changing demands of consumers. The members of the company realized the need to relocate their operations to Chavron Complex. The new location seemed to be enterprising for the business operations because of its locality in a place with many business operations. However, for the operations to be effective there is a need for the company, community, and other stakeholders to value corporate social responsibility.


The economic status of an organization can have an impact on the organization’s laws, social functioning, and technological adoption. Economic ethics requires that companies respond to the changing economic environment. The management of the company has the responsibility of planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling its activities to realize its set goals. This will as well boost the living standard of their employees, community, and other stakeholders.

The legal ethic responds to the need of being consistent with the government laws. This is because it ensures that the employees are legally selected, recruited, and placed for different tasks in the organization. Social responsibility is driven by laws and vice versa. The laws can be organizational or government invented. Social responsibility serves the purpose of promoting and preserving the environment and ensuring good working conditions of the employees to be recruited in the new site. Despite the fact that the laws are not inclusive of every aspect of the organization, social responsibility has enhanced creativity in the form of decision-making in organizations in the attempt to address all aspects.


There is a need to reach an ethical agreement between the seller of the premise where the company was to be relocated and the management of the Clean Power Company. Therefore, the social responsibility is that electricity and sewer lines will be installed by the Clean Power Company. Ethics have improved due to the rise in social responsibility. Social responsibility on the other hand has improved due to pressure on the existing resources. The pressure on existing resources is due to the exploitation of social, economic, political, physical, legal, and environmental aspects. Ethics enable one to make appropriate decisions about the impact of the exploitation. However, there are no universally consistent ethics. It is however important to address ethical issues through an integrated approach where all the shareholders and stakeholders are involved. Qualified consultants should be hired to oversee that ethical principles are applied at every stage of the development of the company.


Philanthropy is an approach to social responsibility. Philanthropy is a value that every company should embrace because it helps the local community. The ethic of philanthropy invokes the assistance that is directed to poor communities, especially in developing countries. Even though it does not enhance the knowledge and skills directly, it can, however, enhance socio-economic development. Therefore, the social responsibility for the company will be to relocate to the new place and cooperate with the residents in improving the infrastructure and livelihoods of the new place.


In conclusion, it is important to understand the ethics and the social responsibilities in an organization because they enhance effective and efficient functioning in the organization. Electricity will be available to the entire community. Good sewer systems and clean water are also some of the benefits. Education systems will be improved. Job opportunities will be available. Health will be taken care of.

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StudyKraken. (2022, August 22). Clean Power’s Corporate Social Responsibility. Retrieved from


StudyKraken. (2022, August 22). Clean Power’s Corporate Social Responsibility.

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"Clean Power’s Corporate Social Responsibility." StudyKraken, 22 Aug. 2022,

1. StudyKraken. "Clean Power’s Corporate Social Responsibility." August 22, 2022.


StudyKraken. "Clean Power’s Corporate Social Responsibility." August 22, 2022.


StudyKraken. 2022. "Clean Power’s Corporate Social Responsibility." August 22, 2022.


StudyKraken. (2022) 'Clean Power’s Corporate Social Responsibility'. 22 August.

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