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Contribution to the Future of Healthcare and Nursing


Nurse Practitioners (NPs) must do more in an attempt to promote the best health outcomes. According to Upshaw-Owens and Bailey (2012, p. 79), “simple hygiene has the potential to produce the required health goals”. Many health professionals do not promote the safety of their patients. The rates of infection are usually high in health institutions that do not promote the best hygiene. Many healthcare institutions fail to embrace the strength of this practice. The targeted health facility does not support the spirit of hand washing. According to the available data, the institution has been dealing with new infections and health problems.

This proposal identifies a new change that will encourage more caregivers and patients to wash their hand frequently. Health professionals can use the Rosswurm and Larrabee’s Model to implement new changes and practices in their nursing facilities. The strategy will make hand washing a positive tradition that fights infections and germs. The change will also encourage patients and health workers to embrace this good practice.

Contribution to the Future of Healthcare and Nursing

Many studies have highlighted the benefits of hand washing practices. Hand washing is a powerful practice towards achieving quality nursing results. Caregivers who wash their hands after handling their patients will reduce the rate of infections in their facilities. Hand washing is an “evidence-based practice that produces efficient and safe nursing practices” (Ott & French, 2009, p. 703).

Hand washing is a powerful incentive that can support the health demands of different patients (Ott & French, 2009). Different nursing models also support the practice because it produces positive health outcomes. Many nurse practitioners (NPs) should make hand washing a permanent routine that can deal with various diseases. This relevant practice will make every healthcare institution successful. Nursing institutions should promote different hand washing practices in order to produce quality health outcomes.

Change Model: Overview

Diseases and infections are common in many healthcare organizations. Many nursing facilities do not understand how to deal with new infections. A simple hygiene can deal with many health issues. The current situation in the targeted nursing facility calls for new practices. An appropriate Change Model (CM) can analyze the nature of the challenge and offer new solutions. The best CM is Rosswurm and Larrabee’s Model. This model offers unique steps towards producing the best results (Ott & French, 2009). The model makes it easier for caregivers and NPs to develop better healthcare practices. The model focuses on evidence-based ideas and concepts in order to support the targeted change.

Step One: Assessing the Need for Change

The health managers (HMs) at the targeted facility had observed a new trend of infections. Some infections affected several patients in the institution. This development made it impossible for the facility to realize its goals. According to Ott and French (2009, p. 702), “the rate of infection is always high in institutions that fail to embrace the best hygiene practices”. Many patients were not getting the required support from their nurses.

The institution was not mentoring its workers to promote the required health practices. It was appropriate for the facility to establish new practices. The approach would be essential towards supporting the needs of different stakeholders and patients. Caregivers must support the required health practices in order to reduce the number of infections (Yoder-Wise, 2012).

Step Two: Linking the Problem, Interventions, and Outcomes

The increasing number of infections compelled the facility to identify new changes. Many patients were unable to achieve their health needs and expectations. The institution was not using evidence-based concepts to support the skills and competencies of its caregivers. This malpractice made it impossible for the nursing organization to achieve most of its goals. The healthcare institution did not inform its workers about the benefits of good hygiene. The use of a powerful model can produce better healthcare practices (Beggs, Shepherd, & Kerr, 2008). The new change can ensure every individual engages in acceptable practices such as hand washing.

Step Three: Synthesizing the Best Evidence

Studies have supported the benefits of proper hygiene. According to Yoder-Wise (2012), such practices can reduce infections and promote the health conditions of many patients. Families that engage in good hygiene do not get new infections. Some parents encourage their children to keep their bodies clean. The good practice has made such children healthy. Some nursing homes have embraced similar strategies in order to achieve the required goals. Caregivers “are competent and skilled persons who can embrace new health behaviors” (Yoder-Wise, 2012, p. 240). According to Stevens (2013), hand washing kills germs thus reducing the level of new infections. This evidence-based practice makes it easier for caregivers to promote the health conditions of their patients.

Step Four: Designing the Best Practices for Change

The organization must begin by highlighting the strengths of the proposed change. Many workers and nurses have the potential to promote positive health practices. Caregivers should always support their patients. Patients and family members can also wash their hands regularly whenever visiting the health institution. This approach can produce positive medical outcomes. The managers should also outline the major benefits of the proposed change.

The “institution can use flyers, stickers, and posters to sensitize its nurses about the gains of hand washing” (Beggs et al., 2008, p. 5). All workers in the facility should support the best practices. Healthcare workers must also safeguard the needs of their respective patients.

Step Five: Implementing and Evaluating the Change in Practice

New measures will be critical towards the success of this new change. The main obligation is to ensure every individual washes his or her hands. The institution should purchase anti-bacterial soaps and detergents. The leaders should install more taps and sinks in the facility. The approach “will encourage more individuals to wash their hands regularly” (Garus-Pakowska, Sobala, & Szatko, 2013, p. 261). New messages should be availed to every stakeholder. These strategies will eventually produce the required results. A mentorship program will ensure every individual understands the importance of good hygiene.

Step Six: Integrating and Maintaining the Change in Practice

The workers in the facility should be part of the proposed change. Washing of hands will become a unique culture at the facility. Nurses “should educate and support their patients using their skills and competencies” (Garus-Pakowska et al., 2013, p. 262). The Human Resource (HR) team will have to implement new ideas and strategies in order to make the new change successful. New programs and learning sessions will ensure the facility realizes most of its goals (Garus-Pakowska et al., 2013). Every individual should also offer his or her feedbacks in order to support this new change.

Implementation and Evaluation Plan

The leaders at the institution should ensure the proposed change takes effect immediately (Garus-Pakowska et al., 2013). The managers should use several training sessions to educate their workers about the significance of good hygiene. The other approach is identifying every obstacle in order to make the change successful. The next strategy is ensuring every location has a tap. The managers should equip their hospital with soaps.

Patients should have adequate sinks in order to make the change successful. A new Feedback Mechanism (FM) will identify new opportunities and strategies in order to make the process successful. Evidence-based ideas and practices will eventually support the power of hand washing (Stevens, 2013). The leaders should “ensure there is effective communication and decision-making throughout the change period” (Stevens, 2013, p. 26). The hospital should execute the change within four weeks. The change will ensure the institution offers quality care to its patients.

Steps to Maintain the Change

Every recruited nurse should be ready to wash his or her hands. The healthcare organization will use more flyers to support its stakeholders. The new practice will become a critical part of the hospital’s culture. Every feedback and suggestion will be critical towards supporting the change (Upshaw-Owens & Bailey, 2012). Patients, family members, and nurses must interact freely in an attempt to maintain the new change. Managers should address every challenge affecting the change. The strategy will make hand washing a mandatory practice at the facility.


The Rosswurm and Larrabee’s Change Model can produce positive results in every nursing facility. This discussion supports the use of the model towards promoting better health practices. The decision to wash hands frequently will improve the health goals of different stakeholders in the targeted hospital. The institution will record a small number of infections because more people will be washing their hands frequently. The institution should empower its workers. It should also offer the required resources in order to make hand washing a meaningful habit.

Reference List

Beggs, B., Shepherd, J., & Kerr, G. (2008). Increasing the frequency of hand washing by health care workers does not lead to commensurate reductions in staphylococcal infection in a hospital ward. BMC Infectious Diseases, 8(1), 1-11.

Garus-Pakowska, A., Sobala, W., & Szatko, F. (2013). Observance of hand washing procedures performed by the medical personnel after the patient contact: Part II. International Journal of Occupational Medicine & Environmental Health, 26(2), 257-264.

Ott, M., & French, R. (2009). Hand hygiene compliance among health care staff and student nurses in a mental health setting. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 30(11), 702-704.

Stevens, K. (2013). The Impact of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and the Next Big Ideas. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 18(1), 12-28.

Upshaw-Owens, M., & Bailey, A. (2012). Preventing hospital-associated infection: MRSA. MEDSURG Nursing, 21(2), 77-81.

Yoder-Wise, P. (2012). The complex challenges of administrative research for the future. JONA, 42(5), 239-241.

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"Contribution to the Future of Healthcare and Nursing." StudyKraken, 10 Apr. 2022,

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StudyKraken. "Contribution to the Future of Healthcare and Nursing." April 10, 2022.


StudyKraken. 2022. "Contribution to the Future of Healthcare and Nursing." April 10, 2022.


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