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Electric Vehicles’ Advantages Over Gas Cars

It may seem that the advantages of electric vehicles over gas cars have already been thoroughly studied. Nowadays, more and more people are deciding to buy electric vehicles for environmental, financial, and efficiency reasons. As a consequence, it actualizes the necessity of exploring the pros of EVs that are significantly better than gas cars in several aspects, such as maintenance cost, environmental friendliness, and high rate of efficiency.

Firstly, in comparison with gas cars, electric vehicles cost considerably less with regard to maintaining and running an auto; they become more and more affordable. Low maintenance cost is conditioned by the fact there are fewer parts that are moving and can break, which results in a rare need for repair. For example, the EV breaks last longer as they reverse the electrical motor, whereas gasoline vehicles apply mechanical frictions.

Moreover, owners do not have to buy gas, and EVs do not require oil change since it is not used in order to run a car. Despite the fact that batteries’ costs decrease, EVs are more expensive to produce than gas cars (Sperling 23). Although there is a bias that electric cars are much more costly, they can save money on gas that might rise in price significantly in the future (Sperling 21). Thus, the costs to run and maintain EVs are lower and electric cars are more profitable for their owners from a financial point of view.

Secondly, using electric vehicles is environmentally friendly as they have zero exhaust emissions and produce less noise. They are driven by “an electronic motor using energy stored in batteries” (Xiong and Shen 1), and, consequently, they do not release heat or gases. EVs do not “generate atmospheric pollutant emissions” (D’Agosto 222) and can be considered zero-emissions vehicles. Gas-powered cars produce carbon monoxide, which contributes to air pollution; motor vehicles produce about 20 percent of all greenhouse gas in the world (Sperling 24).

That is the reason why it “has attracted more and more attention from governments, industries and customers. Many countries have taken an aggressive step to promote EVs to meet emission target under the Paris climate accord” (Xiong and Shen 1). Moreover, electric cars’ engines make almost no noise and, unlike gasoline vehicles, help to reduce sound pollution. Hence, it can be claimed that the more EVs there are on the road, the cleaner the atmosphere will be.

Thirdly, electric trucks are more efficient and convenient with regard to energy. According to D’Agosto, EVs may be suitable for both short and for long trips due to the batteries’ autonomy and ability to get energy from air grids (223). A combustion engine loses most of the fuel in the form of heat, and some energy gets lost through friction. EVs, on the contrary, convert chemical energy to electrical power, which makes their efficiency higher. The high degree of efficiency results in the fact that electric cars attract more and more public attention (Hoeft 2). A rise in EVs might lead to a potential increase in demand for electricity (Cherif 18). Thus, the efficiency of electric vehicles can be reinforced by the growing interest in vehicles powered by renewable energy.

To conclude, electric vehicles are clearly superior to gas autos, with advantages in several areas. They are more profitable from a financial point of view and more efficient than gasoline cars. Moreover, less noise production and zero emissions make them attractive to both citizens and governments. The use of electric vehicles will contribute to preserving the environment, clearing city streets of noise, and improving people’s living standards.

Works Cited

Cherif, Reda. Riding the Energy Transition: Oil Beyond 2040. International Monetary Fund, 2017.

D’Agosto, Marcio de Almeida. Transportation, Energy Use and Environmental Impact. Elsevier, 2019. ProQuest Ebook Central. Web.

Hoeft, Fabian. An Electric Vehicle Conversion Start-Up. Development of a Business Model Approach: Analysis of the Environment, the Industry Structure and the Customer Needs with Particular Focus on the German Market. GRIN Verlag, 2019.

Sperling, Daniel. Three Revolutions : Steering Automated, Shared, and Electric Vehicles to a Better Future. Island Press, 2018.

Xiong, Rui, and Weixiang Shen. Advanced Battery Management Technologies for Electric Vehicles. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2019. ProQuest Ebook Central. Web.

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StudyKraken. (2022, July 17). Electric Vehicles’ Advantages Over Gas Cars.

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"Electric Vehicles’ Advantages Over Gas Cars." StudyKraken, 17 July 2022,

1. StudyKraken. "Electric Vehicles’ Advantages Over Gas Cars." July 17, 2022.


StudyKraken. "Electric Vehicles’ Advantages Over Gas Cars." July 17, 2022.


StudyKraken. 2022. "Electric Vehicles’ Advantages Over Gas Cars." July 17, 2022.


StudyKraken. (2022) 'Electric Vehicles’ Advantages Over Gas Cars'. 17 July.

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