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Healthcare System and Current Trends Within It

The healthcare system must change and evolve according to the processes of progress. Since health support meets the fundamental needs of each person, the development of this area is critically important. Thus, it becomes difficult to imagine that the trends of a decade ago will remain the same in the present year of 2021. This and the previous years have brought many difficulties to the health world, the main one being the coronavirus pandemic. Thus, the global COVID-19 epidemic proved that the health system must be prepared for new crisis situations, which will inevitably appear in the future. Previously, the health care system was more paternalistic, meaning patients relied entirely on the decisions and conclusions of doctors. Now the trend has shifted towards the fact that there is an education of patients. This, in turn, helps to increase people’s awareness of their health, diagnoses, and treatment methods. This trend greatly facilitates the work of doctors and nurses, since now patients cooperate with their medics to achieve the most favorable result.

Moreover, there are six attributes of healthcare quality that determine the current trends in this area. Safe aspect is aimed at avoiding harm to patients from treatment methods. Effective dimension contributes to the development of scientific knowledge in order to provide the best quality services to patients (Rahman et al., 2018). The patient-oriented attribute contributes to the provision of proper care to the patient, based on an individual approach to each person. The timely aspect helps medics respond to a call and provide assistance as quickly as possible. Efficient means avoiding waste from the used equipment, materials, and other elements of medical practice (Rahman et al., 2018). Finally, equitable attribute allows doctors and nurses to provide treatment regardless of the personal qualities and characteristics of the patients, such as orientation, sex, or gender. These attributes determine the current trends in the healthcare system, which now meet the needs of patients. As already noted, earlier decisions were made by doctors, and people were dependent on their conclusions. Now, medicine is developing in the direction of providing the most effective and profitable care to patients.


Rahman, F., Guan, J., Glazier, R. H., Brown, A., Bierman, A. S., Croxford, R., & Stukel, T. A. (2018). Association between quality domains and health care spending across physician networks. Plos one, 13(4), e0195222.

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StudyKraken. (2022, July 21). Healthcare System and Current Trends Within It.

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"Healthcare System and Current Trends Within It." StudyKraken, 21 July 2022,

1. StudyKraken. "Healthcare System and Current Trends Within It." July 21, 2022.


StudyKraken. "Healthcare System and Current Trends Within It." July 21, 2022.


StudyKraken. 2022. "Healthcare System and Current Trends Within It." July 21, 2022.


StudyKraken. (2022) 'Healthcare System and Current Trends Within It'. 21 July.

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