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Internship Opportunities: Cause and Effect


The cause-focused method has been selected to elaborate on various causes that lead to an event.

Developing the Building Plan
Figure 1 – Developing the Building Plan

In the picture, Mr. Brown and Mr. White are developing the plan of the building together with their intern Alice Reed. The thesis is the following: despite the lack of practical courses offered at Alice Reed’s university, she managed to get an internship at the construction company. Three causes that resulted in the given event are discussed below.

The first cause is Alice’s decision to spend her summer break fruitfully. As she understood the need to gain practical experience, she decided to do some volunteering. She contacted several agencies in her local municipalities that deal with construction services. One of them expressed interest and took her as a volunteer for two months to work with paper and assist the managing director. Her commitment and desire to learn are linked to another cause relevant to the thesis statement.

Main text

Upon return to the university, she feels more confident due to the acquired practical knowledge. Consequently, she grasps the material in the civil engineering class way faster than other students. Therefore, she gets the highest mark for the mid-term paper and final exam. The instructor of the course prepares Alice a recommendation letter based on her achievements in class. As a result, the final cause takes place that contributes to the thesis statement.

Alice’s college offers an opportunity for successful students to get an internship in a big construction company. Alice is one of the students interviewed by Mr. Brown for the position. She answers all the questions without hesitation because her motivation has strengthened after her summer volunteering. Moreover, she has two recommendation letters to support her theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Eventually, Alice receives positive feedback from the interviewer and gets the position in the company.


To conclude, the three mentioned causes correlate with the topic and support the thesis statement. In addition, these causes are connected in a way that creates a smoother flow of logic. For example, the first cause – Alice’s decision to volunteer – allows her to obtain practical experience. The effect of the first cause leads to the formulation of the second cause, and so on.

Works Cited

Bronte, Emily. Wuthering Heights. Planet eBook, 1847. Planet eBook. Web.

Danhof, Clarence. Change in Agriculture: The Northern United States. Harvard University Press, 2012.

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StudyKraken. (2022, August 24). Internship Opportunities: Cause and Effect.

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"Internship Opportunities: Cause and Effect." StudyKraken, 24 Aug. 2022,

1. StudyKraken. "Internship Opportunities: Cause and Effect." August 24, 2022.


StudyKraken. "Internship Opportunities: Cause and Effect." August 24, 2022.


StudyKraken. 2022. "Internship Opportunities: Cause and Effect." August 24, 2022.


StudyKraken. (2022) 'Internship Opportunities: Cause and Effect'. 24 August.

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