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Mental Health and Nursing Management

About 450 million people worldwide suffer from psychological conditions or behavioral issues, and approximately one million commit suicides each year (World Health Organization 2021). Mental health is a crucial part of quality care and essential for promoting individuals, communities, and nations’ happiness. Mental health or its absence is one of the most common and severe issues facing the world’s healthcare system. Moreover, 50 percent of people experience a mental illness by the age of 40. Despite the increasing cases of mental problems, the devastating majority of people with mental matters do not have access to treatment (Mildon et al., 2017). The nursing practice can help enhance developmental health interventions at various levels. While nurses are the leading group of experts offering mental health care, nurses’ psychiatric teaching is not satisfactory.

Nurses are primary caregivers of mental care and treatment but lack the required competency. Proper training of nurses can result in good mental health campaigns and contribute to the prevention and management of mental illnesses. The field of mental health has transformed considerably over the past decades. The modes of treatment have changed, and the central point of care has shifted from organization to community (Barbui et al., 2020). Due to the rounded approach to mental care, nurses are at the vanguard of many mental health services alterations. Promoting attention for practitioners and healthcare teams is another vital aspect of the new practice setting. The focused effort that flows throughout the organization from the senior management to the healthcare workers is essential for archiving safe environments in the workspace (Barbui et al., 2020). When creating successful nursing teams, excellent nurse management is necessary. The suggestion of several multidisciplinary systems of primary care for psychological health. This system involves professionals working within a foundational care setting and matched care whereby patients connect to professional or generalist service subject to their present level of necessity.

Additionally, nurses lack primary care models when multidisciplinary health practitioners work collectively to give cohesive care. Practical organization is vital for any nursing team’s success, regardless of the type of practice. Primary healthcare models for mental health are lacking, and nurses have a long way to establish a genuinely combined practice (Mildon et al., 2017). Therefore, mental healthcare should be a crucial part of nurse training. Education is vital to increase the knowledge of mental health illnesses because many nurses lack the acquaintance and abilities to identify these disorders. In addition, progressive support and supervision from specialist mental health services enable nurses to care for individuals with complex psychological needs. There should be openings for observed and practical learning in nursing professions (Bettencourt, 2016). Most existing nursing programs fail to account for specific nurse attributes when developing training models for nursing experts. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends providing adequate information for organizations’ decision-making (World Health Organization, 2021). Many nations lack sufficient information regarding their nursing personnel’s composition and value for mental health as well as size. This information is essential for the betterment of mental health policies.

Fundamentally, current nursing training models are inconsistent with current mental health needs. Nurses provide direct care to patients, making them the foundation for developing models that can enhance materially and mentally disabled care. Nurses can serve as advocates and may influence new strategies (Foster et al., 2019). These policies will ensure patients have access to affordable, progressive care that gives them therapy and medications required to cope and live with mental ailments. Further, caregivers have a significant influence on the attitude of patients. It is vital to understand the power of individual health specialists on patient outcomes. Nurses can increase successful patient results by expressing compassion while providing care (Foster et al., 2019). With the help of nurses, patients can deal with the stigma that comes with psychological disorders. Medical practitioners are important participants who should be consulted and aggressively involved in creating procedures and plans.

Another limitation facing nurses in their mental health caregiving pursuit is inadequate training in nurse-delivered interventions. Some of these interventions have proven effective in impacting mindfulness with which caregivers lessen the impact of psychological disorders on patients (Foster et al., 2019). Mental health training models are designed to encourage people at a higher risk of mental sickness to seek help are employed to make support more available. Nurses should be at the forefront in distributing community resources that train counselors to work with youths to overcome mental health stigma. Therefore, part of the training required for nursing professionals is community education, equipping them with the knowledge and skills of spreading mental healthcare awareness. Most programs today overlook the need for mental health-specific training approaches. Nursing embodies leadership in various levels of practice and community service, and such skills are ideal for fostering effective education on mental health concerns. Nurses should be trainers and educators of mental concerns, in addition to their actual care.

In brief, the evidence of the positive and substantial impact of primary nurse care on psychological illnesses is undeniable. Nurses are equally crucial as psychiatrists and other medical professionals in treating, preventing, and managing mental health. Therefore, they should receive psychiatry training, which, in addition to their leadership and care skills and knowledge, will help enhance the derogating mental health state globally. Further research is needed to point out the exact aspects of more operational mediations. It should also study interventions that are operational throughout numerous result measures. Education promoted to people on communal support facilities accessible to individuals with mental illnesses. More importantly, the expansion of nursing resources for mental health ought to promote harmony using a mental health policy.


Barbui, C., Purgato, M., Abdulmalik, J., Caldas-de-Almeida, J. M., Eaton, J., Gureje, O., Hanlon, C., Nose, M., Ostuzzi, G., Saraceno, B., Saxena, S., Tedeschi, F., & Thornicroft, G. (2020). Efficacy of interventions to reduce coercive treatment in mental health services: Umbrella review of randomised evidence. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 1-11.

Bettencourt, E. (2016). The importance of strong nurse management. Diversity Nursing. Web.

Foster, K., Roche, M., Delgado, C., Cuzzillo, C., Giandinoto, J. A., & Furness, T. (2019). Resilience and mental health nursing: An integrative review of international literature. International Journal Of Mental Health Nursing, 28(1), 71-85.

Mildon, B., Cleverly, K., Strudwick, G., Srivastava, R., & Velji, K. (2017). Nursing leadership: Making a difference in mental health and addictions. Nursing Leadership (Toronto, Ont.), 30(3), 8-22.

World Health Organization. (2021). Developing nursing resources for mental health. Web.

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"Mental Health and Nursing Management." StudyKraken, 22 June 2022,

1. StudyKraken. "Mental Health and Nursing Management." June 22, 2022.


StudyKraken. "Mental Health and Nursing Management." June 22, 2022.


StudyKraken. 2022. "Mental Health and Nursing Management." June 22, 2022.


StudyKraken. (2022) 'Mental Health and Nursing Management'. 22 June.

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