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Mental Health-Associated Misinformation & Stereotypes


Mental health is now becoming a serious problem faced by many people. Most people have hidden mental health problems behind a curtain of discrimination and stigma (MentalHealth, 2017). Several myths have surrounded mental health issues, and it is time to bring them out into the open to clarify misconceptions about our mental wellbeing. Mental health is a problem that can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, social status, and race. Therefore, this paper examines the kinds of misinformation and stereotypes that come with mental health problems that people should recognize so that they do not fall victim to such lies.

Misinformation Regarding Mental Health

Several misconceptions about mental health are doing around, which makes so many people suffer from this problem silently without knowing. Some of this misinformation or myths include believing that you cannot be affected by a mental health problem (Mental Health America, 2021). This statement is far from the truth. Mental health problems can affect anyone without any form of discrimination. Whether young or old, black or white, rich or poor, you have a chance of developing mental health issues. Moreover, several stereotypes associated with cognitive problems exist, and some of these include statements such as victims of mental health problems are always unpredictable and violent in their activities. Some also believe that people with mental health can never be helped, which is a false statement.

The Impacts of Different Ethnocultural Beliefs, Values, and Norms on the Perception and Treatment of Psychological Disorders

Different ethnocultural beliefs, values, and norms can affect the perception and treatment of psychological disorders. The cultural perspective can significantly impact mental illness when it stigmatizes the problem, eventually leading to individual discrimination in society. For instance, in a culture where people believe that mental health problems result from personality weakness or character flaws, many people shy away from sharing their condition. In such cases, patients may fear presenting their emotional symptoms and instead present their physical symptoms whenever they, which may eventually affect the diagnosis and treatment plan for such individuals.

Methodology Appropriate to Psychology in Evidence-Based Practices

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) is the appropriate methodology for psychology in Evidence-Based Practices, and it assists in assessing and diagnosing aspects of mental disorders. Although this method does not include guidelines that can lead to the treatment of any disease, including mental illness, DSM-5 gives an accurate diagnosis of any mental disorder at first. Therefore, it is appropriate for determining an appropriate treatment method for any psychological condition.

Mental illness is a psychiatric problem that can effectively be diagnosed with DSM-5 and associated with an evidence-based practice focus on medicine that can help in the treatment of this problem. The educational interventions that help people address the issue of stigma related to attitudes toward mental illness. With these, it will be necessary to diagnose psychological distress associated with mental health.


Mental illness is an issue that needs proper attention to address. Relying on mythical concepts can make the situation even worse. We need to accept that anyone within society can be affected in one way or the other. The diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) is the appropriate psychological methodology in Evidence-Based Practices to assess and diagnose the mental problems individuals can suffer. However, the DSM-5 method only diagnoses different mental disorders but does not offer treatment options relevant to the issue.


MentalHealth. (2017). Mental health myths and facts. Mentalhealth. Web.

Mental health America. (2021). Position statement 72: Violence: Community mental health response. Mhanational. Web.

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StudyKraken. (2022, August 7). Mental Health-Associated Misinformation & Stereotypes.

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"Mental Health-Associated Misinformation & Stereotypes." StudyKraken, 7 Aug. 2022,

1. StudyKraken. "Mental Health-Associated Misinformation & Stereotypes." August 7, 2022.


StudyKraken. "Mental Health-Associated Misinformation & Stereotypes." August 7, 2022.


StudyKraken. 2022. "Mental Health-Associated Misinformation & Stereotypes." August 7, 2022.


StudyKraken. (2022) 'Mental Health-Associated Misinformation & Stereotypes'. 7 August.

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