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Planning a Healthcare Clinic in Philadelphia

For the assignment, it was decided to construct a healthcare clinic in the Philadelphia, Mississippi region of the US-based on the population needs. Mississippi is one of the United States regions where people are severely affected by health problems, with the main ones being overweight, obesity, and extreme obesity. If the population wants or needs to improve their health, the participation of professionals is essential.

Needs of the Community

Obesity problems tend to cause diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension), heart disease, and many other associated risk factors (Mendy et al., 2017). Additionally, according to Salas et al. (2017) these problems can have a destructive effect on interpersonal relationships, employment opportunities, and mental health. Similar to other United States regions, there are various health diseases in Mississippi which require medical treatment.

Location and Workspace

While making a choice between the cities of the region, it was decided to choose Philadelphia in order to establish the clinic based on the popularity of the city, transportation availability, and proximity to other cities of the region. The hospital will occupy a total of 300,000 sq.ft., with 120 beds and 2,500 sq.ft. allocated per bed, including operational, surgical, and other areas.

Financial Population Availability

In Philadelphia, 90.2% of the population has health coverage, 33.3% employee plans, 12.4% non-group plans, 11.2% Medicare, 31.6% Medicaid, and 1.68% military or VA plans.

Available Medical Resources

Available medical resources of Philadelphia include: 11 Public Health Centers, 2‑1‑1

SEPA – call center for health and human services, CAP4Kids – children care organization, health programs at the Free Library of Philadelphia – various health-improvement activities and events, mental & physical health governmental service – informational support.

Healthcare Providers

There are 11 Public Health Centers, over 20 Private Hospitals in Philadelphia, and over 100 health insurance companies. For the new healthcare clinic, the healthcare providers will be general and specialized doctors.

Job Descriptions

A number of managerial positions will be presented, including CEO and Departmental Managers. In addition, the medical professionals’ mix will include internist/pediatrician, certified nurse-midwife, occupational therapist, orthopedist, physical therapist, obstetrician/gynecologist, dermatologist, pathologist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist, orthopedist, surgeon, urologist. Further, describing the job positions, the services will include primary care physician practices, radiology services, company healthcare, gynecology, blood transfusions, cardiology services, general surgery, diabetes center services, therapy services, skin advisory and treatment services and wellness center services.

Primary and Secondary Responsibilities

All responsibilities are considered important but have been prioritized due to the hospital’s specialization in wellness. Summarising the described services, the primary responsibilities will include diagnostics, treatment, and recovery assistance. Secondary duties in the new clinic will include housekeeping, lifting and transportation of the patients, assistance with fundraising, ward reception desk consultancy and support, food and beverage preparation, and service.

Staff Mix

The nursing staff is allocated based on the assumption of 4 beds (patients) per nurse: LPN – 16, RN – 7, APRN – 4, NP – 3. Ancillary staff mix in the new clinic will include ward clerks, clinical assistants, patient services assistants, porters, volunteers, janitorial and human resources. The staff mix is proportioned to meet the needs of each patient but will be reviewed quarterly for possible optimization.

Medical Documentation

Electronic systems will be included in the budget to optimize the performance of the clinic personnel. The data will not be stored on paper; all work will take place through computers and tablets to optimize the number of personnel and documentation procedures. Moreover, this will help the clinic adhere to the principle of sustainability, which should help get support from the local community.


All the clients will be entered into the online database, have access to personal accounts where information on the results of the procedures will be stored. Bills will be paid during the hospital stay after receiving the service. In the case of working with insurance companies, contracts will be signed on the result of the use of which payment will be requested.

Key Employee Salaries and Benefits

Key Employee salaries are suggested based on the industry averages for the United States adjusted for the size, general specialization, and novelty of the clinic: CEO – $139,278 / year, Managers – $25,421 – 45,955 / year. Employee benefits will vary depending on the employee grade and will include: food, family, accommodation, and education allowances, bonuses for seniority (years working at the clinic), achievements bonuses, and corporate events. Additionally, free pieces of training will be provided for all medical staff.

Short and Long-term Budgets

The calculation of the short-term budget (2022) and long-term budget (2032) was done based on the available annual reports of the Philadelphia-based hospitals. Example of used data includes Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia – 567 beds, 15,000+ employees, $3,077,922,000 total annual revenue 2020 (The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 2020). The difference in the number of beds, employees, and pricing structure was considered for the calculation.

Table 1. Short and Long-term Budgets

Projected Year (2022) Projected Year (2032)
Sales 651,412,063 896,905,599
COGS 619,492,872* 825,060,319
Gross Margin 31,919,191 71,845,280
Selling Expense 24,767,676 49,707,935
Administrative Expense
EBIT 7,151,515 22,137,345

*The cost of construction of the hospital is considered separately and depending on the land and materials cost.

Sales include the income from the operations. An increase in the number of directions covered by the professionals by 2032 in order to increase the revenue is considered. Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) includes wages, salaries, employee benefits, supplies, operational expenses, uncompensated care and long-term increase in research and development spending. Earnings before Interest and Tax (EBIT) are expected to increase by 3 times by 2032.


The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. (2020). Financial summary and combined balance sheet

Mendy, V., Vargas, R., Cannon-Smith, G., & Payton, M. (2017). Overweight, obesity, and extreme obesity among Mississippi adults, 2001–2010 and 2011–2015. Preventing Chronic Disease, 14.

Salas, X., Forhan, M., Caulfield, T., Sharma, A., & Raine, K. (2017). A critical analysis of obesity prevention policies and strategies. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 108(5-6), 630-632.

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StudyKraken. (2022, July 23). Planning a Healthcare Clinic in Philadelphia.

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"Planning a Healthcare Clinic in Philadelphia." StudyKraken, 23 July 2022,

1. StudyKraken. "Planning a Healthcare Clinic in Philadelphia." July 23, 2022.


StudyKraken. "Planning a Healthcare Clinic in Philadelphia." July 23, 2022.


StudyKraken. 2022. "Planning a Healthcare Clinic in Philadelphia." July 23, 2022.


StudyKraken. (2022) 'Planning a Healthcare Clinic in Philadelphia'. 23 July.

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