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Travel to Dresden

Figure 1. Dresden .
Figure 2. Dresden.

I already know that Dresden is a capital of Saxony – German Federal State, famous for its cultural traditions and history. For a long time Dresden was in GDR and only after Germany’s reunification it restored its prominence as a great city. I know that it was heavily bombed and ruined during WW2 and some architectural and cultural sites were destroyed. In order to create the project on Dresden I will have to gather some additional information on its location, population, history, cultural sites, holidays and traditions. This information can be found on the official site of the city, various geographical guide-books and studies of the city’s architecture. Dresden is located on both two bank of the Elbe River (see picture) and borders Ore Mountains in the south. The highest point in Dresden is nearly 384 meters. The total population of the city comprises about 504,603 as of 2006 year census and is rather dense with a dense rate of about 1,535 /km² (3,975 /sq mi).

Figure 3. Dresden.

The history of Dresden is tremendously interesting. As I have learned in 12 century the city was founded as a Slavic settlement and only later it grew into city. For the most of 18 century it was ruled by polish kings and only in 1806 the power was transferred to Saxony King. Dresden survived the Napoleon Rule, revolution of 1848 when it was badly ruined and even it bombing during WW2. It was one of controversial deeds of Allied Forces, when American and British air force heavily bombed the city during the final days of war.

Dresden’s history provides tourists with beautiful cultural sites to see and to visit. Those tourists who are fond of music can visit Saxon State Opera which presents operas, operettas, ballets etc; the famous Dresden Symphonic Orchestra gives performance in it. Besides this Dresden hosts State Art Collections consisting of 11 museums among which the most popular are the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister and the Grünes Gewölbe. Dresden offers its tourists some of the most exquisite architecture designed mainly in Baroque style for which city is so popular among architecture lovers and specialists. Among these sites one should mention the Dresden castle, the famous residence of the Saxony royal family. Zwinger Palace (see picture) was the place where royal events took place and now it hosts festivals and art expositions.

Figure 4. Dresden
Figure 5. Dresden
Figure 6. Hofkirche.

Another famous cultural site is Hofkirche (see picture), which served as the royal household. Here August the Strong (see picture) had to convert to Catholicism as we desired to become the King of Poland. Those tourists that would like to spend their time in abundant greenery may visit Dresden-Hellerau – Germany’s first garden city, which was designed during several years by the most famous German and world architects.

As we now Dresden was heavily ruined during WW2 and many cultural sites were not restored for a long period for many reasons. One of historical and cultural symbols of Dresden, Frauenkirche has undergone considerable reconstruction and was completed in 2005 to the 800th anniversary of Dresden.

The Dresden surrounding area provides tourists with no less cultural entertainment. There are lots of historical suburbs built in 18 century. They were constructed for Saxon kings and often are named in their honor. The surrounding area provides visitors with picturesque environment necessary for beautiful rest.

To sum it up, Dresden is interesting not only for those who like to travel but for historians, cultural scientists and other scientist since it provides with valuable material. But in view it is better to visit it and see everything on your own.

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StudyKraken. (2021, September 20). Travel to Dresden.

Work Cited

"Travel to Dresden." StudyKraken, 20 Sept. 2021,

1. StudyKraken. "Travel to Dresden." September 20, 2021.


StudyKraken. "Travel to Dresden." September 20, 2021.


StudyKraken. 2021. "Travel to Dresden." September 20, 2021.


StudyKraken. (2021) 'Travel to Dresden'. 20 September.

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