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Use of International Nurses in the USA

This discussion supports the problems that frequently occur in role adaptation for all new International nurses’ employees. However, some international practitioners have unique problems in socializing to new roles. These include the new nurse, in the likes of experienced international nurses in role transition. Consequently, employers providing appropriate socialization assistance for these groups increase the chance of a positive employment outcome.

Huston, C.J. and Marquis, B. L. (2008). Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing: Theory and Application. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

In their book they stated that the role of international nurses in the USA is as a result of the increased responsibility in the health care industry and the role stress created by role ambiguity and role overload. In addition to this, they further discussed that the transition role results in the necessity of assuming a learning role in the new environment. The employee assigned to orient the nurse in role transition should be aware of the difficulties that this nurse will experience. International nurses lack of knowledge in the new area should never be belittled: whenever possible, the special expertise that they bring from their country should be acknowledged and utilized.

Pepper, J. M., Leddy, S. and Hood L. J. (2003). Leddy and Pepper’s conceptual bases of professional nursing. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

They asserted that the responsibility of the international nurse in the USA is an intellectual and affective outcomes of the professional nursing practice and the efforts toward the understanding of the ultimate relationship among humans, environment, and health, hence they approach nursing as a scientific discipline, thereby integrating the sense of values into practice, and appreciating the aesthetic factors that provide a particular quality or character to health and welfare, and to put into words or an expression an individual any cognitive content held as true about the system of human race, surroundings, physical condition and nursing.

Ryan, M. (2003). A buddy program for international nurses. Journal of Nursing Administration, 33(6), 350-352.

In his book, He noted that one solution to the current nursing shortage has been the active recruitment of international nurses. He further stated that socialization to the professional nursing role is one of four basic needs that must be addressed if foreign nurses are to adapt successfully to American workplaces. They suggested that International nurses must be introduced to American jargon and variations in nursing practice delivery. However, they should also get support through a period of cultural, professional and psychological dissonance that is associated with anxiety, homesickness, and isolation. All in all, the nurses integrate within the institution, thereby developing a sense of community life on the nursing unit.

Bola, T.V., Driggers, K., Dunlap, C., and Ebersole, M. (2003). Foreign-educated nurses. Strangers in a strange land. Nursing Management, 34(7), 39-42.

They concluded that international nurses have an important leadership role in health care in the United States of America and throughout the world. However, those with community and public health experience provide much needed knowledge and skill, as they give guidance to the auxiliary personnel who are part of the primary health care team. Besides this, they also provide direct client care and facilitate the educational and health promotional needs of the community. In addition to this, through its social commitment to the quality of health care and support, they are also the strongest advocate for primary health care.

Boyle, J. S. and Andrews, M. M. (2008). Transcultural concepts in nursing care. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkin.

They articulated that some of the roles of international nursing are to provide an atmosphere of comfort while delivering care to the public they serve. Moreover, we believe that the solemnity and merit of individual must be revered and kept in safety and protection from harm. The nursing care must be regular with and particularly planned to meet the needs of the patient, and his family and the community in which he lives.

The major role of international nurses is to promote high standards of nursing care to ameliorate the value and accessibility of healthcare, hence promoting the proficiency and advancement of nurses. However, international nurses and nurses generally, are responsible for contributing to the progress or growth of excellence in nursing practice, patient advocacy, and for shielding the practice of nursing in all clinical settings.

Aries, N., Nickitas, D. M., and Middaugh, D. J. (2010) Policy and Politics for Nurses and Other Health Professionals: Advocacy and Action. Sudbury, MA. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

They stated that the role of international nurses is fundamental to overturning the misconception that nurses act as subordinates in providing patient care. Nevertheless, this misconception is based on the tradition of the international nurses’ role in “taking physician orders.” Consequently, the role of the international nurses focuses mainly on helping the sick patients, assisting the physician, and bringing direct care to patients, to improve the health care administration, to develop health care policy, and to influence medical practice. Moreover, the international nurses may create a liability for the quality and safety of patients care.

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"Use of International Nurses in the USA." StudyKraken, 18 Mar. 2022,

1. StudyKraken. "Use of International Nurses in the USA." March 18, 2022.


StudyKraken. "Use of International Nurses in the USA." March 18, 2022.


StudyKraken. 2022. "Use of International Nurses in the USA." March 18, 2022.


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