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Immigration as a Topic of Legal Research


An immigrant is a word originating from the word immigration. People define immigration as the process of moving from one foreign country to another. Those people moving from such foreign countries into others are therefore referred to as immigrants. There are several reasons why people migrate to other countries. For instance, many immigrants seek better job opportunities while others migrate with an aim of furthering their studies meaning that foreigners who acquire scholarships in a certain country can immigrate to accomplish their mission. In contrast, many people immigrate as a means of seeking refuge after an outbreak of war in their home country. In the U.S., the department of immigration is concerned with regulating the inflow of immigrants into the country. Some people tend to violate immigration laws hence sneaking into a country hence being considered illegal immigrants and are said to pose a threat to the economy, political system, ethical and social status of the country they migrated to. From the US Department of immigration, it was noted that most of the immigrants are from developing countries and they look for better life opportunities in countries (nations) that are more developed (Hanson, 2007).


Illegal immigration results from a lack of legal documents among the immigrants in a given country. Examples of illegal immigrants include Mexican-Americans found in the United States of America. It has been noted that Mexican workers who were recruited by U.S. corporations back in the 1830s have been given the opportunity by the government to get into the country and work on railroads and farms without any sort of interference from the government. In contrast to this, the terrorism issue has made the government enforce laws that demand particular documents to be filled by an immigrant so that terrorists may not venture into the country (Hanson, 2007).

Illegal immigrants are said to live in abusive relationships compared to legal immigrants mainly because they lack the freedom to express themselves as they are in the country illegally. They, therefore, live in fear of being detected by the immigration personnel; hence, they have no power to fight for their rights, an act that makes them live a life that is different from others. The other reason why illegal immigrants live abusive lives is that the government does not recognize them and is therefore not entitled to any house benefits. It is clearly indicated that illegal immigrants are hindered by their immigration status from fully participating in the country’s economy, an action that makes them live abusive lives (Anderson, 1993). Statistics conducted by the U.S. Department of immigration revealed that more than 11 million Mexican are now living in the country either illegally or legally. In addition, most of the immigrants live in public housing whereby they have to share rooms or houses with legal immigrants whom they know. The relief of illegal immigrants is that the U.S. Department of immigration is in the process of neutralizing illegal immigrants who have entered into the country seeking better opportunities in their lives. In addition, the united state is enforcing a law that would ensure that all immigrants enjoy or participate fully in the country’s economy by protecting them from raids and other internal attacks (Chapman, 2010).


In conclusion, this study is interesting because it explores the concept of illegal immigrants hence highlighting the issue of why illegal immigrants live abusive lives. Lack of security from the country’s government is among other factors creating obstacles to the illegal immigrants’ lives. The U.S. Department of immigration has come to realize that in the next 20 years, the number of immigrants whether illegal or legal will increase by up to 12 million. Based on the issue, the U.S. decided to allow illegal and legal immigrants to participate fully in the country’s economy, politics, social and other ethical issues that might be of much help to the country.


Anderson, M.J. (1993). A license to abuse: The impacts of conditional status on female immigrants. The Yale Law Journal, 24, 2-7.

Chapman, R. (2010). Culture wars: an encyclopedia of issues, viewpoints, and voices, Volume 1. Maryland: M.E. Sharpe.

Hanson, G.H. (2007). The economic logic of illegal immigration. London: Council on Foreign Relations.

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"Immigration as a Topic of Legal Research." StudyKraken, 25 Aug. 2022,

1. StudyKraken. "Immigration as a Topic of Legal Research." August 25, 2022.


StudyKraken. "Immigration as a Topic of Legal Research." August 25, 2022.


StudyKraken. 2022. "Immigration as a Topic of Legal Research." August 25, 2022.


StudyKraken. (2022) 'Immigration as a Topic of Legal Research'. 25 August.

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