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Stuck formulating a creative title for your research paper or essay? The free research name generator we've made! All you need to do is:

Input your search term
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Reload the list if necessary

Do you need help developing an appealing research name for your essay assignment? Don't stress anymore! In three easy steps, you can create an attention-grabbing name for your research paper in a few minutes with the help of our free online research name generator.

  1. Input your search term.
  2. Click on the “search topic” button and pick one or more topics proposed by the research name generator.
  3. Reload the list by clicking the search button again if you want more options.

📝 Research Name - What It Is & Why It Is Important

When looking for a research study on a specific topic, you are likelier to pick essays with catchy, descriptive research names that grab your attention. In contrast, the research paper headings that are less captivating or descriptive are easy to ignore, regardless of the content’s quality. That is why developing an excellent and noticeable title for your research paper is crucial.

So, what makes a good name for your essay?

Let's explore 4 characteristics of a quality research title:

Straightforward Your research name should be as straightforward as possible so that others can understand your research. This means that your title should not be ambiguous to avoid confusing your readers about the details of your research.
Clearly defined Sometimes research paper writers phrase their titles in a way that gives a double-barreled impression of the text. A well-defined and adequately articulated heading makes it easy to grasp.
Grammatically correct Your research heading should follow the grammatical rules of titling. If you need to familiarize yourself with the rules, study them carefully before sharing your finished work.
Simple Write your research name in a simple and correct language that everyone can understand. Avoid technical terms and jargon unless it is unavoidable.

Research Topic vs. Research Name

Although most people use these two terms interchangeably, it is essential to note that a research name is not similar to a research topic:

  • A research topic gives you a brief context of the research essay by displaying a sneak peek of the content. Topics are often long, sometimes two sentences long.
  • A research name is short and precise, equal to the text’s title. It does not show the context of the research paper.

📍 Coming up with a Research Topic

Writing an academic paper is a serious task requiring intense effort. One of the most critical parts of the entire process is coming up with a suitable heading for your paper. The name you choose for your research proposal, term paper, thesis, or dissertation determines your readers' enthusiasm toward the paper even before they dig into it.

Selecting a theme of your genuine interest is essential because it makes your writing process much easier and more enjoyable.

Here is how you come up with an exciting research topic:

  1. Seek inspiration from other bodies of work in the same field by consuming as much information as possible regarding your research area. From your research, you will find a name that piques your interest and that of your readers.
  2. Consider your target audience while writing your research paper name. Use language that is palatable and relatable to your readers. For example, the language relatable to an audience of medics differs from what an audience of lawyers might find suitable.
  3. Be as straightforward as possible with your topic. A garbled and complicated topic is a huge turn-off for your readers, who will assume that your research paper is as complex as your title.
  4. Avoid jargon on your research topic since it interferes with the clarity of the message. Try to stick to the basics unless it is vital, field-specific jargon.

🪝 How to Make a Catchy Research Name in 5 Steps

Choosing an appropriate topic for your paper should be the starting point of your writing process. It may be challenging to pick a title from all the content from your research work.

You may wonder:

  • What will make your research name appealing to the readers?
  • How to write a heading that captures the essence of your work?

It may be a difficult task, but lucky for you, we are here to help with a few pointers.

1. Answer Some Fundamental Questions about Your Research Paper

You could start by answering the simple question: what issues does your paper address, or what does it seek to achieve? The brief answer to this question can create a relevant title for your research paper.

Let us explore some solutions and build up a title.

❓ Research question 💬 One-sentence answer
“What is my essay about?” "My paper studies the effects of long-term use of pain-relieving medication on the insulin production in diabetic patients living in New York."
“What techniques did I use to perform my research?” “It is a case study.”
“Who or what was the subject of my research study?” “I studied 30 cases of diabetic patients aged between 40 – 60 years old living in New York.”
“What were my findings?” “My research revealed a negative correlation between pain medication and insulin production.”

2. Identify Research Study Keywords

Having answered the questions, identify the essential parts of the answer and make them your keywords.

💬 One-sentence answer 🗝️ Keywords
"My paper studies the effects of long-term use of pain relieving medication on the insulin production in diabetic patients living in New York.”
  • Long-term use
  • Pain medication
  • Insulin production
  • Diabetic patients
"It is a case study."
  • Case study
“I studied 30 cases of diabetic patients aged between 40 – 60 years old living in New York.”
  • New York
  • 30 cases
  • 40 – 60 years old
“My research revealed a negative correlation between pain medication and insulin production.”
  • Negative correlation between pain medication and insulin production.

3. Use the Keywords to Write Your Title

"We employed a case study of 30 diabetic patients in New York aged between 40 – 60 years to assess the effects of long-term use of pain medication on their insulin production; results revealed a negative correlation between the two."

4. Create a Realistic Research Paper Heading

To create a working title, delete all the unnecessary words that are not important to the study or that your readers would not include in their search.

“A case study of 30 diabetic patients in New York aged 40 – 60 years assessing the effects of pain medication on insulin production, revealing a negative correlation between the medication and insulin levels.” (Word count: 33)

We are drawing closer to a good research paper name.

5. Make Your Title Even Shorter

Since most of the qualitative and quantitative data will be included in the essay, there is no need to have the numbers on your title. Research techniques are also unnecessary in the title, so we can remove them. Let’s see what we have now:

“Assessing the effects of pain medication on diabetic patients” (Word count: 9)

One can immediately recognize the subject and its aims from the simple title. To save yourself the time to create this title, you can use our free online research paper name generator and have a list of catchy title ideas to choose from.

Thank you for using our tool!

Consider trying other study instruments for students that we’ve made:

❓ Name Generator FAQ

❓ What is a good research title?

A creative and catchy research title should be short, captivating, clear, and precise to attract a reader to the article. Our research name maker will help you create a great title.

❓ How do you create a research name?

It would help if you focused on the intended study outcome to compose a well-designed research name. What are you interested in? What parameter of your subject will you measure? All these questions give valuable pointers for creating the name of your study paper. If you’re running out of ideas and time, you can use our free research name checker to develop some catchy titles for your research paper.

❓ What are five examples of research paper names?

There are many types of research paper names, but you can use the five most popular versions for your paper. These are direct, how-to, question, the reason why, and two-part titles.

❓ What is a working title in research?

A working title should highlight the research problem and solution to guide the reader on what to expect from the essay.

🔗 References

  1. How to write a good research paper title - Nature
  2. Writing the title and abstract for a research paper - NCBI
  3. Importance of Choosing a Good Title
  4. A Title that Works: Characteristics and Tips
  5. Selecting a Research Topic - LibGuides at MIT Libraries