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Jack Daniels Firm’s Tennessee Honey Advertisement Analysis

Jack Daniels Firm's Tennessee Honey Advertisement Analysis

In the image, one can see a bottle of whiskey, which is covered with small figures of people resembling bees from afar. An advertisement for Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey, a unique mix of classic whiskey and honey liqueur, was selected for analysis (Tennessee Honey, n.d). The purpose of this paper is to analyze the visual media that the company used to convey the meaning and present the product to the audience. The target audience of this advertisement is both existing and potential customers of the manufacturer since the company can draw attention to both the new product and the brand as a whole. Jack Daniels uses direct associations to illustrate product concepts in a way that emphasizes its value.

This image has both direct and figurative meaning, which is conveyed by the authors. To illustrate a new product that contains honey, an association with bees and the way they flock to honey is used. Upon closer inspection, one can see that there are many human figures on the bottle, which are stuck around the bottle as bees. Thus, the advertisement shows that people flock to the new product as bees to honey, creating a crowd. This meaning is twofold, as it illustrates the main concept of the product and also emphasizes its value.

To convey the right message, advertisers use bees as the most obvious association people have with honey. This connection helps to understand which ingredient distinguishes this product from others immediately. The advertisement features human figures making barbecue on the bottle cap to emphasize the product’s purpose. At first glance, it is difficult to understand that there are people on the bottle, but individual figures help to draw the viewer’s attention to this fact. The background makes it clear that the emphasis is on a natural ingredient as honey so that one can see the countryside behind. The liquid in the bottle resembles honey as well, which immediately evokes the right associations. However, next to the bottle, there is a glass with a slice of citrus, which does not allow the viewer to be confused and immediately understand that the authors are advertising an alcoholic drink. The visual aids combine to create the feeling of being outdoors in company, effectively highlighting the concept of the drink.

Analyzing these advertisements allows understanding how marketers can convey direct meaning through more obvious associations, as well as put hidden meaning in them. The reader at first perceives a simpler message, but looking closer, the audience manages to grasp deeper contents. It is also important that visual tools used can force the viewer to focus on trying to comprehend the concept of the product, which potentially increases its value.


Tennessee Honey. (n. d). Jack Daniels.

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StudyKraken. (2023, February 19). Jack Daniels Firm’s Tennessee Honey Advertisement Analysis. Retrieved from


StudyKraken. (2023, February 19). Jack Daniels Firm’s Tennessee Honey Advertisement Analysis.

Work Cited

"Jack Daniels Firm’s Tennessee Honey Advertisement Analysis." StudyKraken, 19 Feb. 2023,

1. StudyKraken. "Jack Daniels Firm’s Tennessee Honey Advertisement Analysis." February 19, 2023.


StudyKraken. "Jack Daniels Firm’s Tennessee Honey Advertisement Analysis." February 19, 2023.


StudyKraken. 2023. "Jack Daniels Firm’s Tennessee Honey Advertisement Analysis." February 19, 2023.


StudyKraken. (2023) 'Jack Daniels Firm’s Tennessee Honey Advertisement Analysis'. 19 February.

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