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The Scientific Method: Research Methods


Science has built its foundation on the achievements earned in the past. The scientific community has created guidelines and processes for research to ensure integrity and stability. Scientists accept new information more readily when it is developed based on prior achievements.


A novel phenomenon could appear without reflecting negatively on any aspect of prior scientific practice, according to Guetterman (2020). When research methods follow predetermined rules and processes, new information is recognized by the community. The scientific community has repressed and rejected ideas that go against its fundamental presumptions, especially when the rules are broken.

I am in agreement with your post that research studies in the health sector might use mixed, qualitative, or quantitative methodologies. Since qualitative strengths complement quantitative weaknesses, using both methodologies has proven to be an excellent way to conduct a full investigation. Similar to quantitative methodology, qualitative methodologies do not enforce strict rules and processes. Qualitative approaches take their research methodology directly from the data. Usually, one process results in the creation of the following one (Guetterman, 2020). Techniques including descriptive, experimental, correlational, and quasi-experimental research are used in the quantitative design. Comparatively, qualitative research is explanatory and primarily utilized to find solutions to issues.


As highlighted in the post, results from quantitative research, as opposed to qualitative research, may be generalized. Mixed methods combine qualitative and quantitative investigations when collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data (Guetterman, 2020). Mixed methods design, a contemporary research strategy, encourages the deliberate blending of qualitative and quantitative data into one study. The research issue to be investigated heavily influences the choice of technique. From identifying a problem to conducting an exploratory investigation, the researcher is guided by the overall research topic.


Guetterman, T. C. (2020). Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research sampling strategies. Education. Web.

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StudyKraken. (2024, February 24). The Scientific Method: Research Methods.

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"The Scientific Method: Research Methods." StudyKraken, 24 Feb. 2024,

1. StudyKraken. "The Scientific Method: Research Methods." February 24, 2024.


StudyKraken. "The Scientific Method: Research Methods." February 24, 2024.


StudyKraken. 2024. "The Scientific Method: Research Methods." February 24, 2024.


StudyKraken. (2024) 'The Scientific Method: Research Methods'. 24 February.

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