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How the Printing Press Transformed Human Knowledge

The printing press has revolutionized the way news is transmitted and has established its network of information dissemination. Thanks to the original work of Johannes Gutenberg, famous for the invention of the printing press, much more information can be printed and shipped worldwide (Giges, 2012). Printing presses accelerated the pace of news and religious texts circulating from port to port, important news to many people worldwide and educated on the latest religious information.

When it comes to oral communication, people’s perceptions and the context of information change as the message spreads, so you can see how this affected the interpretation of the news at the time. In addition to this, there are language barriers that can make it difficult to spread word of mouth. As information is sent from the port of shipment, it is becoming increasingly difficult to reach countries where the language is spoken in different ways (Özad, 2021). For example, when Gutenberg printed the first 200 copies of the Bible in Latin, his neighbors could not read Latin, it was difficult to distribute the material he wanted to print, and he gave the word spoken to the Latin reader (Giges, 2012). Information has spread rapidly thanks to the advent of the printing press, which heralded the Age of Enlightenment and the arrival of the Scientific Revolution.

Most of the news at the time was from the pulpit or high podium spoken by the religionist, so all the news was essentially hearsay. When it comes to the latest news about world events, memory and understanding have played a major role in spreading it. Thanks to the printing press, we were able to print large amounts of text, and book and news authors could eventually name the front page, improving the accuracy of the news (Brosnan et al., 2020). Ultimately, with the proliferation of additional presses in Europe and around the world, documents have become easier to read and print in an affordable way for everyone to read. The printing press provided access to technology, allowing humans to document and distribute news, information, stories, and maps to anybody who wanted them.


Brosnan, Jennie, Benjamin Guyer, Shalon Van Tine, Friedel Weinert, Karen Garvin, Tashia Dare, Martin Odler, Stephanie Guerin-Yodice, Richard McGaha, and Shalon van Tine. 2020. History of Applied Science & Technology: An Open Access Textbook. Rebus Community.

Giges, Nancy. 2012. Johannes Gutenberg. Web.

Özad, Bahire Efe, Nazan Doğruer, Ramadan Eyyam, and İpek Meneviş. 2021. “Linguistic Imprialism.” International Journal on New Trends in Education & their Implications (IJONTE) 12 (1): 1-7.

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StudyKraken. (2023, February 21). How the Printing Press Transformed Human Knowledge. Retrieved from


StudyKraken. (2023, February 21). How the Printing Press Transformed Human Knowledge.

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"How the Printing Press Transformed Human Knowledge." StudyKraken, 21 Feb. 2023,

1. StudyKraken. "How the Printing Press Transformed Human Knowledge." February 21, 2023.


StudyKraken. "How the Printing Press Transformed Human Knowledge." February 21, 2023.


StudyKraken. 2023. "How the Printing Press Transformed Human Knowledge." February 21, 2023.


StudyKraken. (2023) 'How the Printing Press Transformed Human Knowledge'. 21 February.

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